Saturday, June 27, 2009

Day by Day. :)

26 June 2009,

gw dan sepupu2 gw makan2 dalam rangka ngerayain

b'daenya c
sella *my cuz*.

Here is my beloved cuz. Maya Marsella* :)

Make a Wish (:

Blow the Candle~~ :)

Ok. i want it, make it quick, cuz. :))

Acara berlangsung di Hachi2 Bistro TA.

Sushi Sushi Sushi. haha.

Kenyang banget makan sushii....

buanyak betul . hehe..

Abis kekenyangan makan, kita memutuskan bwt milih SOUR SALLY

sebagai makanan penutup.

Belum puas juga, kita semua ke Inul Vista bwt olah raga mulut lagi setelah

makan dengan "menggila". haha..

Lagu2nya pun ajaib2..

dari yang hip hop, rock , mellow, bahkan dangdut di hajaarrr~~

hahahahahahaa... heboh benerr.. :D

Bakal kangen mereka banget nget nget deh.. :)

Okay, Let's talk about TODAY. !

Masih menyenangkan sekali.

Kegiatan gw diawali dengan rapat dengan teman2 HIMSISFO jam 10-AN.. :D

Lalu, secara mendadak dan tiba2, ko2 gw datang menjemput...

Mao drop gw di sency, sedangkan dy mao main tennis.. haha..

Shock mendadak.

Padahal tadinya mao pergi ke TA sama ank2 yg lain. hehehehe..

Tapi berhub uda diculik, ya uda deh... :D

Untung ko2 gw yg satu lagi n ce nya berbaik hati mao ikut ke sency juga. :D

Rameee bener di sencyy. ck ck ck..

Ok , perjalanan dimulai. !

dimulai dari cuci mata, lalu makan SUSHI TEI.


yep.. loph it ! (:

Lanjut jalan2 lagi...


pemberhentian terakhir di Gelato Bar..

nyam nyamm.. wan it wan it wan it ! (:

Menyenangkan sekali weekend kali ini. :)


Hem, next..

Mao share lagi tentang Obama di waktu

Father's Day kemarin *22 june 2009"

Baru denger dari ko2 gw, kalo dy nulisa surat bwt anak2nya...

so sweet. (:


Barack Obama's Father's Day Letter to

His Daughters

As the father of two young girls who have shown such poise,

humor, and patience in the

unconventional life into which they have been thrust, I mark this

Father’s Day—our

first in the White House—with a deep sense of gratitude.

I observe this Father’s Day not just as a father grateful to be

present in my daughters’

lives but also as a son who grew up without a father in my own

life. My father left my

family when I was 2 years old, and I knew him mainly from the letters he wrote and

the stories my family told.

And while I was lucky to have two wonderful grandparents who poured

everything they had into helping my mother raise my sister and me, I still

felt the weight of his absence throughout my childhood.

In many ways, I came to understand the importance of fatherhood through

its absence—both in my life and in the lives of others. I came to understand

that the hole a man leaves when he abandons his responsibility to his

children is one that no government can fill. We can do everything possible to

provide good jobs and good schools and safe streets for our kids, but it will

never be enough to fully make up the difference.

We need fathers to step up, to realize that their job does not end at conception; that

what makes you a man is not the ability to have a child but the courage to raise one.

We need to step out of our own heads and tune in. We need to turn off the television and

start talking with our kids, and listening to them, and understanding what’s going on in

their lives.

I know I have been an imperfect father. I know I have made mistakes. I have lost count

of all the times, over the years, when the demands of work have taken me from the

duties of fatherhood. There were many days out on the campaign trail when I felt like

my family was a million miles away, and I knew I was missing moments of my

daughters’ lives that I’d never get back. It is a loss I will never fully accept.

On this Father’s Day, I think back to the day I drove Michelle and a newborn Malia

home from the hospital nearly 11 years ago—crawling along, miles under the speed

limit, feeling the weight of my daughter’s future resting in my hands. I think about the

pledge I made to her that day: that I would give her what I never had—that

if I could

be anything in life, I would be a good father.

Very Touching. (:

And, the last...

I love you, Papi. :)


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